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Dermaren Lumi Eyes (1ml)

Lumi Eyes deminishes dark under eye circles, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles. It will smooth and lift the skin under the eyes. The effect is visible after the first treatment.

$74.52 $57.96

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  • Dermaren Lumi Eyes is a tissue stimulator designed for needle mesotherapy treatments around the eyes and the tear valley with a filling effect, but with no side effects in the form of lymphoedema. Lumi Eyes is a high-quality product that repairs damage to the dermis with polynucleotides with a strong tissue regenerating effect . The effect of the treatment is strong hydration and rejuvenation of the tissue, as well as the reduction of symptoms of fatigue and skin blueing.

    Polynucleotide PDRN is used to regenerate damaged tissues, moisturise, restore volume, and smooth skin. PDRN is a low molecular weight complex that affects the repair of cells and damaged tissues, homeostasis from the inside. The mechanism of action of the substance is to stimulate the active synthesis of collagen, which helps to restore the DNA chains and increase the production of its own elastin. Glutathione, in turn, is responsible for the antioxidant effects during the biorevitalisation procedure.

    Lumi Eyes is a high-quality injection product based on polynucleotides (obtained from purified salmon milk DNA) that repair damage to the dermis with tissue regenerating material. Ruthlessly destroys dark circles under the eyes, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles, as well as smoothing and lifting the skin under the eyes. As a tissue booster, it has a proven rejuvenating effect. Stimulation of the skin cells, collagen and elastin allows to delay the ageing processes and strengthens the skin. It improves the firmness, density and quality of the skin in an extremely natural way. Dermaren Lumi Eyes stimulates the skin to self-regenerate. Thanks to the absorption speed there is no downtime with this treatment, you can return to your normal daily life straight after the treatment.

    Dermaren Lumi Eyes allows you to achieve a perfect effect after just one treatment. For better results, it is recommended to perform a series of 3 treatments with an interval of 4 weeks and repeat the treatment twice a year. The skin will gain energy and freshness, while reducing bruising and fatigue.

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