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My Perfect Jawline

Posted in: Dermal Fillers Published: September 4th 2018

A sharp jawline undeniably defines beauty. Clear cut and protruding at the perfect angle (130° for a male), the jawline is what supports all the beauty sitting above it. It is the pillar, the platform that holds up the most prized possession of your whole body.

When jaw sagginess starts to sink in with the pull of gravitational forces, that solutions to tighten the jawline with contouring methods, begin to surface on both male and females’ list of facial treatments. Enhancing the male or female jawline can have make quite a difference to the appearance and confidence of each gender. 

It’s not just women who want the perfect jawline, men are increasingly visiting clinics to contour the jawline with versatile injectables which can be used more or less anywhere on the face.

Is it the coverage in prominent newspapers or social media ads that has caught the attention of the male population? There is definitely something out there promoting male contouring and males are becoming more aware about how they can look just as good as their female counterparts.

The diverse use of dermal fillers in achieving the perfect jawline, chin contouring or a more defined lip shape, has made fillers a big hit worldwide. Men and women now have the power to create a face which they feel proud to wear. However, there are noticeable difference between both a male and female jawline that need to be considered by clinicians. It is the maturity of the jawline during puberty which gives a distinctive finish that is not prevalent before adolescence.

All faces begin with a female jawline from birth and it is only during male puberty, male characteristics start to dominate and develop into a stronger, broader and heavier jawline, for which some, is chiselled immaculately into a square shape, naturally without any injectables.

Females, on the other hand, adorn an elegant V-shape jaw. It is important to avoid feminisation of a male jaw and vice versa.

What are the ideal characteristics of a male jawline? The ideal male jawline should have a vertical position in the front view with a 130° angle in profile view.

Therefore, the anatomy of the jawline must be carefully comprehended before advancing to treatment of this clever construction which performs the duty of bearing teeth as well the chin. There are imperative nerves which sit within the framework that even dentists do not risk tampering with, even if a patient is adamant they want their painful wisdom tooth removed. Keeping the nerve fibres intact ensures there are no progressive problems in the future.

Replacing lost volume can be achieved using either of the following fillers, which all give optimum results:

Fillers designed to boost collagen should be avoided, as they are less reversible. 

At Filler World, we provide you a one-stop shop dermal filler destination.

We advise our products should only be administered by licensed healthcare practitioners after purchase.
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